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Picture Description RoHS Pricing (USD) Batchnumber Enquiry
Package : Retail Package
7.0" HMI with built in I/O
Programmable (PLC, PAC)
Send in up to 4 hours
Package : Retail Package
7.0" HMI with built in I/O
Programmable (PLC, PAC)
Send in up to 4 hours
Package : Retail Package
CODESYS License for CMT Series
Human Machine Interface (HMI) Accessories
Send in up to 4 hours
Package : Retail Package
I/O Module, Analog, 4 RTD/TC
Human Machine Interface (HMI) Accessories
Send in up to 4 hours
Package : Retail Package
Intel i5 Industrial PC
Industrial PCs
Send in up to 4 hours
Package : Retail Package
19.0" 1000nit Industrial Monitor
Send in up to 4 hours
Package : Retail Package
17.0" PC Intel i5 2.7GHz
Industrial PCs
Send in up to 4 hours
Package : Retail Package
19.0" PC Intel i5 2.7GHz
Industrial PCs
Send in up to 4 hours
Package : Retail Package
15.0" PC Intel i5 2.7GHz
Industrial PCs
Send in up to 4 hours
Package : Retail Package
10.1" Wide Temp, Intel, 1000nits
Industrial PCs
Send in up to 4 hours

Service hours:9:00-18:00from Monday to Saturday
Please select online customer service:
852-9298 7121

Service hours:9:00-18:00from Monday to Saturday
Please select online customer service: